
Where is the location of Godrej Ananda near Devanahalli?

Godrej Ananda is ideally located in Bagalur, KIADB Aerospace Park, near Devanahalli in North Bangalore. The project is perfectly placed in the city's heart, enabling the residents to connect easily with other parts of the city. Godrej Ananda is near Kempegowda International Airport in Devanahalli, an added advantage to the residents.

Location is the prime factor involved in any buying. Because if the area is lagging in any basic facilities like framework and connectedness. Then the resale prices and rental rates of the property would be below. And finding any essentials are challenging and hence we need to be shuttling around other neighborhood for the same.

Where is the location of Godrej Ananda near Devanahalli?

So while looking for properties for the investment we need to first fix the location. See places close to your workplace or quick access to your loved one’s place. So that we do not have to spend our time unnecessarily on any travel. Staying near the workplace is a real and great comfort we could give ourselves.

At the same time, the area has to be feasible in other ways like infrastructure and connectivity. Else it wouldn’t make sense. We would be residing near the office but again has to shuttle around for other daily essentials. So make sure the place is close to our work and at the same time good at facilities.

Additionally, analyze the future scope of the locality. See to that if the location has a good social and physical infrastructure and rich connectedness. Make sure there are many proposed developments in the region that would promise great returns.

The location of Godrej Ananda is located at Gummanahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 562149. This Godrej Ananda is near Devanahalli. The developer Godrej Properties has strategically designed the property in this locality as it has many positive edges.

This Godrej Ananda is located in Aerospace Park which is 300 acres of industrial space developed for industries. This gives ample employment opportunities in many sectors. There are similar other SEZ and other industrial areas developed and ongoing development in this area.

Godrej Ananda

Godrej Ananda is a 20 acres land parcel with many preferred housing configurations like studio,2 and 3 BHK homes. This ongoing Godrej Ananda property will be completed in 4 years and the handover could be expected from May 2025.

There are only limited units designed in this property to offer ample open and green space. There are precisely only 806 units present in the Godrej Ananda property.

The designs of this property are splendidly designed by leading professionals in the industry to offer outstanding and rigid contemporary architecture. The Godrej Properties has also well handled the Godrej Ananda spacing thus this is a zero wastage property.

The list is not yet done. Yes !! there are amazing features present in the Godrej Ananda property which are been generously provided by the Godrej Properties. This is phase 1 of the property and soon the next phase would be launched.

The size ranges of this Godrej Ananda starts from 530sqft, 703sqft. The amenities and facilities offered in this property are quite pleasing to the home buyers and investors. Though this is a budget-friendly property the developer has lavishly offered 2 acres of green area and many more thrilling amenities. There are over 25 amenities present in this property.

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